Sara Inkpen: Source of Joy (1985 – present)

Here's a question: what would your job title be if you could do exactly what you wanted and get paid for it? Or, more specifically, what would you job title be if you could just be you and get paid for it? It occurred to me a few minutes ago that, despite the fact that … Continue reading Sara Inkpen: Source of Joy (1985 – present)

Epic email fail, The Byronic Man, and Duck-ups.

Fact #1: too much coffee makes me giggle. Fact #2: I sometimes don't pay enough attention. Fact #3: when I drink too much coffee and then don't pay enough attention, funny fail-ish things happen! So, I was preparing to write a fairly serious, fairly lengthy blog entry about something very important, but I got in … Continue reading Epic email fail, The Byronic Man, and Duck-ups.